
One of my favourite things to do is escape the city and retreat to the country. I crave to feel the miracle of nature, the budding trees, blooming flowers, singing birds and occasional sighting of deer as they stop to replenish.

I pick wild flowers and place them in containers of water to bring spring and joy into my home. As they wilt I wrap the stems in twine and hang them upside down for preservation. I save many ideas for crafts created from nature. I believe I was created to ponder and bask in creation and nature. What an amazing world God created for you and I.

I have often thought about God and wondered about His creativity. He is the most creative of all. He created us, the world and all that lives in this world. He designed us to be productive and creative.

Have you ever wondered what He created you to be and do? How would your creativity impact your journey? Do you wonder if He can use you to help others? Do you wonder if you are worthy? Have you failed and don’t know how to turn things around? I can share that;

He created you to be a follower of Christ.

He created you to love others and accept love back.

He created you to know you are worthy.

He created us knowing we would sin, fail and disobey.

He created you and I knowing all this and despite our failings, He would take your life and weave your journey into an incredible story. A beautiful story He gave you the tools to write.

May you continue along the journey with realization that He made you and you are amazing. Daily take in the amazing things of this world as you fill your day.

Genesis 1:31

“Genesis reminds us that “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good”.

Isaiah 64:8

“But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand”

Have a wonderful weekend!


Awareness and love of one another

